How to reduce stress at Christmas
Posted 3rd December 2024

The Christmas period can bring our families an immense sense of joy, but it comes hand-in-hand with a fair share of stress, especially for us parents. Between juggling work, Christmas preparations, and managing family expectations, it can be overwhelming. Here are some ways to help you navigate the festive season with Christmas spirit and sanity!
Make sure to plan ahead
By having a thorough plan in place you can organise all your festive activities, from shopping and decorating to family gatherings, doing this allows you to visualise your commitments and determine which ones should be prioritised and completed first and what can be reschduled or cancelled if things get too much. Try not to cram too much into the diary, it's important to have time to relax over Christmas too.
Setting a realistic budget
The financial pressure of Christmas is a leading cause of stress for many families, so setting a realistic budget that includes the costs of presents, food and new decorations, and sticking to it as well as you can, will help you prevent overspending. Also, consider getting your children to make homemade gifts for your loved ones, they have a more meaningful sentiment and are often less expensive. Remember - everyone has their own circumstances and you should avoid feeling pressure to keep up with friends and relatives who might have more disposable income than you.
Establishing realistic expectations
It’s more than okay to embrace the idea that not everything has to be like it is on TV! Set realistic expectations for yourself and your family that allows for some flexibility, whether it’s for the family dinner or decorating the house. It's so important for our healthy mental state and sense of accomplishment and satisfaction, to understand that not everything will be picture-perfect or neither does it need to be!
Involving the children
With all the pressure that build up, it's easy to forget that children are usually the most excited for the simplest of things - spending quality time with loved ones. Getting the children involved in your Christmas preparations and activities will not only help lighten your workload but it allows for some beautiful family memories to be created. Let them get their hands dirty baking and decorating Christmas cookies; or let them get creative putting the decorations on the tree. Either way, it will give them a sense of ownership and gets them excited for the Christmas festivities.
Make sure to take proper breaks
The chaos and hustles of the Christmas period may make you forget about yourself, but don’t. Take some time to look after yourself and do a bit of self-care. You can go read a book, watch your favourite TV show, take a bath or just watch the world go by with a nice cup of tea. When you take care of yourself you will be better equipped to be present and enjoy the family time. Why not try short, daily meditation exercises like this one to stay calm over the festive season?
Embrace family traditions
Whether you’ve already got your family traditions or you’re ready to start making new ones, embracing these traditions will help create a sense of stability amidst the Christmas commotion. Taking time out to complete these traditions can be a wonderful way to unwind together as a family. Here are some of our favourite Christmas traditions:
• Christmas movie Saturday – every Saturday in December is for sitting down as a family and watching a Christmas film
• Driving around to look at the Christmas lights in your neighbourhood
• Decorating the Christmas tree together as a family
• Baking cookies for Santa on Christmas Eve
Seek Support if needed
Please always remember that you are not alone at Christmas, don’t hesitate to ask for help if you need it. Reaching out for support can make a huge difference, talking through your stress can provide relief and help you feel less isolated. You can call Samaritans in a time of crisis.
Just remember... Christmas doesn’t have to be full of stress. By being proactive and mindful, parents can simplify their Christmas experience, creating a happier and stress-reduced Christmas period for themselves and their families. Embrace the imperfections, celebrate the moments, and cherish the time spent with loved ones! That is afterall, the true spirit of Christmas.